I am not living off grid yet, but already have many moments where I realize: “Oops, I cannot do that”.

Yesterday, while working on the property, was one such moment.

I was setting up filters for the rainwater collection system, and came across a step in the instructions that said:

The pesky tank to flush

Flush both carbon tanks with water until the effluent stream is clear.

This might seem like a simple thing, but I did not have my rainwater system setup yet. The tanks and pipes were in place, but I had no water collected in them.

Thinking about the problem further, I did not know how many gallons it would take to flush, but it was more than what I had in the RV. I first had to fill up the tanks before I could flush them.

I looked over to my 275 gallon IBC tote, but that was sitting empty with the worthless green pump from Harbor Freight hooked up.

My IBC tote with pump

In the past, we were using the tote and our truck to bring water on site from our nearby home, but we had to sell the truck, so the tote would remain empty for now.

I was reminded of the time before I built our shed. Many hours were spent loading and unloading the van, which was basically my work truck. However, it was a vehicle Holly needed too, so I could not just keep it full of tools, I also had to empty it out at the house.

In the pre-shed days, we also did not have any power other than the generator. Today, I am blessed where I can plug in anything without having to start an annoyingly loud generator. I also get to keep all my tools in a clean, dry shed. I forgot how annoying it was before having those basic needs setup. Now I was living it all over again with water.

Living in town, or even growing up on a farm with a well, running water has become a natural assumption in my head. Modern life teaches most people that running water is an infinite resource. Of course, when actively pondered, most would arrive at the conclusion that water is not infinite, but it is what modern life teaches the brain to think subconsciously.

It was an interesting moment when I read those instructions. It will take a while living with only rainwater before I get used to the concept of limited supply.

I am thankful for moments like this that help remind me how it was when I started. I am thankful I have the means to move past it and improve to where I have water and power in a world where many do not.